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Online Machine Learning Course

Online Machine Learning Course

Dive deep into Machine Learning. Get the Perfect Blend of Analytical Skills & Business Knowledge.

    Created by
  • 1. Vijay Gaikwad



This online course, designed by an expert from the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Pune, provides a complete understanding of Machine Learning. The Certificate in Machine Learning course is designed to share the knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms and coding libraries in a simple way. It will show step-by-step developments of Machine Learning algorithms that are used to solve real-world problems.

Who can enroll

  • Anyone who wants to add value to their business through powerful Machine Learning tools

  • Budding engineers who want to make their career in Machine Learning

  • Industry professionals who are interested in online Machine Learning courses

  • UG/ PG/ PhD Students who are looking for Machine Learning training

  • Teachers who are interested in Machine Learning Certification

Learning Outcomes/By the end of the course

  • Make accurate predictions
  • Use for personal purpose
  • Recognize the Machine Learning model to choose for each problem
  • Understand various powerful Machine Learning models
  • Analyze data effectively
  • Apply dimensionality reduction technique to data
  • Solutions to business problems

Video Lectures


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Type Weightage %
Content 100.0

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