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Advanced PG Program in Data Science with AI-ML

Advanced PG Program in Data Science with AI-ML

    Created by
  • 1. Sachin Satpute
  • 2. Demo Eduplusnow

Batch Date

20-Aug-2024 to 21-Feb-2025



Advanced Post Graduate Program in Data Science with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is jointly created & delivered by Indian Statistical Institute, Pune, and edu plus now along with industry experts. Our tailor-maid curriculum includes Functional analytics, SQL, MongoDB, SSIS, Spark, Kafka, Bigdata Hadoop, Cloud, Advanced Excel, Statistical Analysis, Predictive Modeling, Text Mining, Regression Modeling, Hypothesis Testing, Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning using Python, R, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Tableau, Power BI

Video Lectures


  • SQL
  • Python
  • practical paper
  • Mongodb
  • DA & ML
  • R Studio
  • Kafka
  • SSIS
  • Deep Learning & AI
  • cloud
  • Sport Analytics

Course Instructor

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