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Online Cyber Security Certification

Online Cyber Security Certification

Be aware,be secure!!

    Created by
  • 1. Seema Dixit



This course is designed to increase your awareness of various threats, attacks and cybercrimes on the internet. This course is created for educational purposes only. It starts with the basics of operating system, networking and virtualization, introduces you to various security threats and attacks and provides you the knowledge to protect your privacy and security on the internet. You will also learn how to secure your data using various tools and techniques. The course also covers simple data backup, restore and recovery techniques. You will also learn how to securely use your computer while connecting to internet by using proper browser security settings and personal firewall. This course also prepares you to build your carrier in cybersecurity field.

Who can enroll

  • Anybody using computer, smartphone and Internet and wants to secure themself in cyber world

  • Students who want to build their career in Information security or Cyber Security

Learning Outcomes/By the end of the course

  • Students will learn basics of Operating System, Networking, Ethical Hacking, Information Security and Operating System hardening techniques.

Video Lectures


Assesment policy
Type Weightage %
Content 100.0

Course Instructor

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